Tak tahu nape hati nie rasa mcm nk mlekat gn Kenge. ade sesuatu dlm hati dia yg mbuatkn sha tertarik. Org yea humble.. kaya tu satu hal la tp baik hati. Mcm2 sha tny dia tp dia jenis x pnh mrungut. slalu kasi positive answer.
Ade gak sha terima email tny leh pcaya ker seller nie. My answer is always the same. I adore her and she is my GOOD FRIEND. U can trust and rely on her.
Jom jengok her blog

mgigil x tgok.. ape lagi jom la click her blog

i suka dia!!! hehehee.. sorry tak bagi salam hapa.. terjah aje i nih.. salam kenal sha.. have always been ur silent reader..
dia nih baik hati kan? kreatif pulak tu.. sbb kan dia i mampu nak beli the ultimate beg (gucci joy tote) i yg duk idam2 selama ni.. :) kalau u jumpa dia in person.. kemslm kat dia ye.. :)
kenge memang seorang yang pemurah n baikkkkkkkkkkkk hati.. senang deal dgn dear ... and she alwiz trust people.. :)- rin
oh thank you love for the info..heh..ade tak die jual pelham (gucci)? hehehe
Kengge the bestest seller & the bestest fren on earth...-izz
huhu.. dia juga sorang yg gojes.. hahahahaha.. *sila naikkan gaji pembantu ye*
mmg rambang bijik mata ni..
Based on my experience dealing with her..Kengge mmg superbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb..best of the best.... - izz
cantek2 beg ..
well.. it's like I thought!
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