2 novels for rm15 including shipping
3 novels for rm20 including shipping
4 novels for rm25 including shipping
order : pls email me mslvoe@gmail.com
here the lists i have
author : carole matthews
a compromising position -SOLD
a minor indiscretion -SOLD
the sweetest taboo - SOLD
author : clare naylor & mimi hare
the second assistant - SOLD
author : lilly sommers
footsteps in an empty room - SOLD
author : chris manby
seven sunny days - SOLD
marrying for money - SOLD
author : kasey michaels
then comes marriage - SOLD
author : deborah wright
under my spell - SOLD
love eternally SOLD
author : cecily von ziegesar
u know u love me - SOLD
gossip girl - SOLD
author : jill winters
blushing pink - SOLD
author : susan andersen
head over heels - SOLD
baby im yours - SOLD
author : rachel gibson
see jane score -SOLD
simply irresistible - SOLD
true confessions - SOLD
lola carlyle reveals all - SOLD
author : emma mlaughlin
the nany diaries - SOLD
author : barbara delinsky
three wishes - SOLD
author : valerie anne baglietto
the wrong mr right - SOLD
author : fiona walker, jessica adams, chris manby
girls' night in - SOLD
author : maria headley
the year of yes - SOLD
author : eileen townsend
child of fire - SOLD
author : jennifer greene
where is he now - SOLD
author jill mansell
making ur mind up - SOLD
author : susan elizabeth phillips
ain't she sweet - SOLD
author : jennifer weiner
little earthquakes - SOLD
good in bed - SOLD
in her shoes - SOLD
author : sheila norton
body and soul - SOLD
author : maggie o'farrell
my lover's lover - SOLD
author : patricia scanlan
foreign affairs - SOLD
author : nisha minhas
passion & poppadoms -SOLD
sari & sins - SOLD
chapatti or chips - SOLD
bindis & brides - SOLD
author : christie ridgway
this perfect kiss - SOLD
author : jennifer crusie
what the lady wants - SOLD
fast women - SOLD
author : suzanne macpherson
take of the town - SOLD
author : elaine fox
if the slipper fits - SOLD
maybe baby - SOLD
author : plum sykes
bergdorf blondes - SOLD
author - lauren weisberger
the devil wears prada - SOLD
or do u have any idea kat mane sha leh jual novels nie.???
thanks dear

sha, cube jual kat mudah.com...tak pon kat ebay...suruh org bid..hehehe
hi sha,dkt ampang point ada 1 kedai buku terpakai..i x sure whether dia nak beli ke tak..tp blh cuba,& another one kat Cash & Converter (dkt dpn ampamg point ada 1)
ni sha nye collection ke? sha ada sales blog kan?
sha, saya nak beli novel, lot 1 dengan lot yang ade racheal gibson..please respond to me..ASAP @ ameerfallen@yahoo.com
sis, go to cari.com.my, forum tu, under hobbies n living. buku n kesusasteraan, then swap n sell. mesti laju je diorg beli. saya pun jual kat situ gak.
wow bestnyer, semua chit lit!! :))
sha darling,
klu ada susan elizabeth phillips akak nak tau!
err klu nk beli tu bole ke..
email me ek : sthidayah@gmail.com hehehhe...
sha, i ada email u nak beli 3 buku..nanti u check email ek..
thanks a lot...
Sha,,,, I nak beli novels U bole? The Devils wear prada, and all shoppaholic series...
sha jual buku kat blog.
told you its the best venue for you to sell those lovely lovely books.
good luck dear!!
WAH!!! suke!! =)
myb kak sha bley join flea market bukak booth..only if ade free time la..heheh
i berminat nak beli novel u...
wah bagusnye... byk tul novel sha.. yati nye tak byk pun.. takde masa nak baca hampeh tul huhuhu
hmm jual kat mana yati tak sure plak. kalau yati tau nanti yati roger ek.
sha..i berminat sgt2 nk bli ur novels!!!how can i order?
Sha i dah bayar dah. But i cannot e-mail you my pc something wrong and it wont load as usual..tolong respond yah..
all pls email me if u like to order
i received ur payment
can i know ur address
patutla lamaaaaaaaa dia senyap.dia katham novel ya :) welcome back sha. yes!!! we definitely miss u ..mmuaahhh!
Babe, any books by Sheila O'Flanagan? :) buzz me at FB k..
are you selling any of yr Julia Quinn's books?
let me know ya if you are!
salam sha,
i nak beli novel u yg tinggal 3 lagi tue. nie email saya snhazwani@yahoo.com.my. tolong email i u punye bank account. kalau ada maybank lagi bagus. thanks.
p/s-novel green tue sape author ek?
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